It has been said that everything rises and falls on leadership. So, how are you growing as a leader? How are you investing in emerging leaders? GSP Coaches’ Leadership and Teamwork Courses will equip you to grow as a leader and to develop leaders around you.
Free Resources.
Leaders must have Empathy & Perspective.
Leading others is not about you having the skills to perform a task yourself. In this 3-minute video, author and speaker Simon Sinek talks about two essential qualities that a leader must have — empathy and perspective.
Life is a Team Sport.
Although is sounds trite, all of life is about teamwork. Business and leadership consultant Patrick Lencioni shares a TedX Talk about the 3 Qualities of an Ideal Team Player — Humility, Hunger, and Smart.
What is your Leadership Style?
This article from the Harvard Business Review discusses different leadership styles. It suggests that a blended leadership style is often most effective in engaging those that you lead.